Andrew Anglin – Is Feminized West Really Going to War with Russia?

NATO's defense ministers: From left, defense ministers, Albania's Mimi Kodheli, Netherland's Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Germany's Ursula von der Leyen, Norway's Ine Marie Eriksen Soreide and Italy's Roberta Pinotti

via the Daily Stormer:

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It’s difficult to think about what a World War would look like. Even while betting odds would presumably be on the side of the West, I just cannot see as though they have the will necessary for such a fight. Russia obviously does have the will. They also have capable leadership.

The West is run by women and colored people.

Even the top Jews themselves appear to be unhinged, incapable of properly assessing reality. We have passed peak Jew. Kissinger and Soros are nearly dead. The new generation of Jew is a much lesser being.

Obviously, Russia could appeal to the disaffected native populations in Europe. And a war with Russia would also mean a race war in Europe, with all of these Moslems they’ve brought in. It would be very difficult to get people to fight Russia in the name of Islamic immigrants who would then be killing them on the streets at the same time as they were going to fight Russia.

Interesting times.

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